Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Start of Hunting season 2015

Long time since the last post. Great start to the hunting season with lots to share.  In September came our annual Elk hunt up in Ely. Great time ending with success once again. Katherine took her first elk the 3rd weekend of Sept. The first weekend Tammy, Jager and myself joined Katherine, Garner, Andrew and Charles at the usual area about an hour north of Ely.
Yes, the bottle says Bird Dog Whiskey! The photo is an English Pointer, but close enough. 

Using one of Uncle Jake's hand made knives to open the bottle of bird dog whiskey. Jager is impressed, can't you tell? 

Tammy and Jager staying warm at 4am getting ready to scout the Elk! 

Dead bird Jager! Hunted some dove's during the elk hunt. 

Jager retrieving a dove. 

of course this is what we do best

Yes, we ate the dove, salt pepper and whiskey marinade. 

sunset in the steptoe valley. Very nice and peaceful (and no bugs)

The 2nd week, I had to stay home, but Garner, Katherine and Andrew decided that sleeping after work for a few hours, then driving straight up at 11pm right into scouting was a good idea.  No success that weekend, but as it turned out, it wasn't such a bad idea!
3rd weekend, Jager and I joined Garner & Katherine. We slept in the back of the hummer, departed Las Vegas at about 11pm, got to the scouting area at 4:30am, no moon, and constant sound of Elk Bugling. Shortly after sun up, I happened to spot 2 elk jumping a fence about a mile away. We decided to investigate. We followed these 2 Bulls in the next hunt area for awhile, then decided to head back and set up camp. Just as we were headed back, on the pavement, we spotted 2 calves. Katherine bailed out, Jager and I stayed in the truck and watched. She made her way over to the barbed wire fence, eventually crossed and took the Elk. Jager bailed out of the Hummer and of course sprinted all out over to the Elk to make sure we found it. It was about a 160 yard shot with a .308 180grain nosler accubond. We drove over as close as possible, set up a shelter over the elk to keep it cool, processed into the ice chests head back to Las Vegas. Hows that for a day trip! We were gone less than 18 hours.

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From where we parked, you can see the shelter set up in the distance. Generally we try to not drive where there are not roads. 

Katherine drove home, this is where Jager and I slept! Of course we retold the events of the day over and over. 

Game processing at the Road Kill Grill. If you are ever in North/West Las Vegas, go try the BBQ
The last week of Sept we decided to go back to Ely and try get some Sage Grouse. Garth joined me and Jager and headed up after work on Friday. (No Grouse, but had a good time)

Garth and Jager enjoying the StepToe Valley sunset from the Cave entrance.
Yes, that is a banjo. 
Jager wasn't all that thrilled at watching his distant cousin get shot, but I think he's over it now

September brought a new member to the Finney Family. Kapitan FeldJager von Nevada has joined Jagermeister von Nevada in the hunting crew. Thanks Jared from bestgundogs.com!

Opening of Quail and Chukar season, Jason, Jager, Garner and Katherine and I headed up early morning to hidden canyon. Before we ever reached where I thought we should park, a large covey scattered. We hunted the same birds for a few hours before it got super hot and we headed back to Las Vegas.

Jager cooling off in one of the natural springs found in Southern Nevada. 

Jason's last Quail, he wasn't able to find, however, he took Jager  back to where he was 30 minutes later and immediately found it for him.

2nd week of the season, Tammy and Jager joined me in the Gold Butte area. No quail there, so on the 2nd day we relocated back closer to hidden canyon. Found the same covey of course.  This time we had little Captain with us. He did great!

Truth be told of course Jager did most of the work and we let Captain find the quail then bring it to me.