Thursday, June 2, 2016

Spring review and Elk hunt prep

Big Hunting news. I finally drew a bull elk tag. Lucky for me, it includes an area that I've hunted (or scouted/guided) 32 days in the last 3 years. With other friends also drawing Elk tags this year, lots of prep is upon us especially if expecting help for the hunt and hopeful recovery.

Kapitan finished 6 weeks of school up in Beaver UT at He was tired and missing part of his ear due to misbehaving in class, but recovered nicely.

Here's more Spring review:

Ryan and Jager enjoying the spoils of a spring Striped bass fishing trip on Lake Mead. 
Jager enjoying the view on Lake Mead

After returning from school, Kapitan was still in hunting mode! 

flowering cactus just west of Summerlin (Las Vegas)

Getting the back yard, aka dog sanctuary ready for Summer! 

Jack Ass sneaking into the photo. Kapitan sticking out his tongue at the situation. 

Northwestern Grand Canyon. Hard to get to, but worth the effort. We had 2000' drop offs on 3 sides of camp. 

Kapitan napping in a precarious location 

Jager napping in a safer location 

Grand Canyon camp 

First Creek, Red Rock

Forced fetch work with the boys (Jager holding a Chukar, Kapitan a Quail) 

California desert just south of Death Valley. The flowers blooming is a once every 10-15 year deal due to the lack of rain. 
Death Valley camping trip 

Jager missed Kapitan so much while he was in school, he helped me celebration st paddy's day

Kapitan on graduation day from session 1 at 

Death Valley camping trip

Tammy and Jager having their morning coffee