Thursday, September 28, 2017

Sage Grouse

Tammy and I headed up to Ely with the pups to try once again for the Nevada bird that has eluded me for 4 years. This adventure started 4 years ago after drawing a depredation Cow Elk tag. We saw them close to the road and I had no idea what the were. What they resembled to me were the Prarie Chickens that I had observed many years ago growing up in Muleshoe Texas. Further research yielded that they were Sage Grouse (Hens). Turns out there are Blue (Dusky & Sooty) Grouse in Nevada as well, but generally up in the mountains.
Jager posing with Sage Grouse (Hen)

Jager retrieving Sage Hen

Blue (Dusky) Grouse (Hen) vs Sage Grouse (Hen)

Jager and his 7 types of upland game - Bob White Quail, Gambles Quail, Blue Quail, Blue Grouse, Sage Grouse, Chukar and of course a whole pile of pheasants 

Monday, September 18, 2017

Blue Grouse, first hunt of the young season

Ryan, Ella, Jager and Kapitan headed to Montrose CO with me over Labor Day weekend for the elusive Blue Grouse. Picked up some direction from a local, camped right in the middle of lots of birds. 4 Grouse in the freezer, great times, I'll take it!