Wednesday, February 14, 2018 seasons end

Another great season has come and gone. Tammy tagged along and took some great photos in Arizona and New Mexico.
Much of the BLM land with hunting access is leased by the government for cattle ranching. Working windmill close to Wikieup Arizona provides water for the herd AND the quail! 
Kapitan moving diligently between the cactus and scrub oak. 
Jager looking down into a canyon where had previously spotted quail. 
Kapitan leaping between rocks avoiding cactus! Great job by Tammy catching him in the act!  
Where are the birds! 
Nice double by the boys! 
Tammy actually witnessed this double! That made me happy!
Garmin Fenix is a great addition to the Garmin Alpha!
Last hunt of the season was in South Eastern New Mexico. While we focused on Blue (Scaled) Quail, they also have Gambles and Motezuma Quail.

Sage, German Wirehair Pointer

Fossel found close to Dell City Texas

Winding down a hard day of Blue Quail hunting. Jager, Sage & Kapitan
soaking them in salt water for a day or two before frying