Friday, July 18, 2014

Google Earth is your friend

Use Google Earth and start getting to know the hunt area.  Look up McGill Nevada as your starting point. NorthWest of McGill is Basset Lake. Basset Lake is created by a dam on the river that flows up through the Step Toe Valley, which is our hunt area. Using Google Earth, start at Basset Lake and follow the river north all the way 'til it hits Currie right at US 93. That is where we'll be, and that is where the Elk, Deer, Pronghorn and Grouse will be found. Also note the green circles. That is Alfalfa, privately farmed and the food of choice for our game (no you can't hunt in the alfalfa field without permission). 
Also note there is an old rail road track that runs from McGill to Currie, right through the middle of our hunt area, the Nevada Northern ( for more info on the Ghost Train of Old Ely) You can drive on it (sort of) if needed to retrieve game, just go really slow. As far as I know, the part where we hunt is not maintained and will not have actual trains on it.

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