Friday, September 12, 2014

Trip info

1)  Last chance for Cow Elk - Depart for Ely Friday, Sept 26th, return Sunday evening Sept 28th. Sage Grouse in season.

2)  Start of Mule deer (Garner & Garth) Depart for Ely Saturday morning, October 4th, possible grouse hunt in the evening, Deer season starts Sunday morning Oct 5th.  Possibly depart Friday evening Oct 3rd in order to Grouse hunt Sat morning.

3) Saturday October 11th, start of Quail/Chukar season. Kane Springs? Gold Butte?

4) Mule deer continued 2nd and 3rd weekends of October possibly in Ely. Chukkar also?

5) Mule deer for Jason Virgin Peak November

I'm in for all of these, so let me know.


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