Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Deer down!

I realized I didn't post info regarding the two deer hunting trips. Mid October, Garner, Katherine, Jagermeister and myself made the trek up to Ely. The best part for me was not driving and just hangin out in the back seat with Jagermeister. We set up camp on the west side of Steptoe Valley close to the White Pine & Elko county line, up at the wilderness border. Of note, we were able to find some great hiking trails and organized camp sites... who knew!
No deer, but we did see a lot of doe, had a shot at some Blue Grouse (I missed, but was fun to watch Jager hunt them, and did come away with Jager's first upland bird, a Chukar.

Jagermeister and Chukar
The next weekend, Garth, his stepson Eric, me and Jagermeister again made the journey north to Ely. This time setting up camp in a valley about 10 miles north/west of McGill.  The wind blew the whole weekend, 40mph plus. We saw a lot of deer Saturday but could never get in range so we decided to just do some off roading then turned in.  Sunday morning we again saw the same deer, stalked them, then got off some shots. Missed. Stalked them again, then bingo.

Eric bagged his first deer.

Now that it is June 2015, I'll come up with a new blog name, but wanted to get this posted

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