Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Off Season Fun!

 Have not posted since last fall! GREAT end of season, fantastic Spring and Summer and amazing news for the fall. Bull Elk tag in 231 (Pioche NV). More to come on that. 
Kapitan and Jager trying to figure out the desert tortoise
Summer fun with the boys and girls! 

It's official, Kapitan thinks he is a human

cooling off after a wilderness hike

What happened to my truck!
Truck turned out nice!

Long tim hunting buddy Michael welcomed Sage into the hunting family. She's finishing up in school this Spring/Summer

The spoils of the blue quail hunt in February

Mule Deer from last October is done!

Garths Mule deer from last October
Michaels Oryx finally done

Death Valley 2017

Hunting buddy Ryan welcomed Ella into the hunting family recently 

Tiger Trout? Kapitan wasn't sure what to think at first