Friday, June 13, 2014

Gman's Post #1


I am so excited to be a contributing member on Alan’s blog site!  First off, I want to state that any information that Alan claims to know about hunting is a misinterpretation of info I have given him.  He has stolen all of my Nevada hunting experience and claimed it as his own.  He is a great hunting partner, but only if you need someone to get you another beer.  He is an amateur at best….

"Hey Alan, Can you get me another beer?"

Actually, that is a big fat lie.  We have been out for many seasons, and I have seen Mr. Alan get more and more into hunting in our lovely state of Nevada each year.  This year, I think he has lost his mind.  First, I thought it was a purchase of the jeep and now the pup.  This guy is going to bed each night dreaming about the next hunt and how it is all going to go down.  I couldn’t ask for a better hunting comrade.  We work extremely well together in planning and hunting execution.  Each time I come back into town from a hunt, I just want to get back out there, but regular life gets in the way.  That is why I value each time we head out.

Our trucks take a beating, our house chores get neglected, our instrument practice goes out the window, but it is all worth it in some non-comprehendible way.  Bring it!  The hunt of 2014 will be insane and better than anything we have done in the past.  It’s going to take planning, money, more planning, and more money to make this happen.  Totally worth it!

The radio I use is the one to the right of the rear view mirror in my H3.

Alan wants me to write something up about the radios we use.  Ok.  Well, out on foot the best have been the GMRS/FRS radios you can get at any sporting good shop.  That is about all they are good for.  They will work in the vehicles, but not at any good distance.  Maybe a mile?  They get good battery time, and are cheap.  The audio quality is acceptable and the menus must be mastered to change frequencies.  I limit mine to never beep on transmit or receive.  That is great not to scare wildlife of annoy the hell out of everyone.

In the trucks the CB radio works great, but it’s a CB radio.  They are limited to 5 Watts and have a minimal frequency range of 40 channels.  Most of the channels have some much noise the squelch has to be cut so high that the radios will only work when really close to each other.  Ouch!

My H3 rig has a slightly modified communication setup.  I have the dash mounted CB, and a ham radio on a floor mounted arm and in a compartment in the rear of the truck.  I have to describe what the ham radio does a little more in depth. 

11-  Yes, people still use ham radios.
22-   They can use much more power that a CB, typically 100W for truck to truck communication, and 5 watts for handheld receivers.  The range is GREATLY increased.  This is mostly the 144Mhz frequency (Called 2 Meter).
33-  You have to take a test to get your license.  The test for the first level is really easy and that will allow you to use the FM range with voice operation which is great out hunting.
44-  They are expensive.  A handheld unit that will use 5W is at best $200 for a single radio.  My truck radio was $900 not including installation.  But a 2 Meter radio in the truck can be as cheap as $300. 
55-  The radio is not set up into channels.  You pick the exact frequency that you want to operate.  If there is noise, go somewhere else.
66-   It is “polite” radio conversation.  There are no truckers (unless they are hams) and no bandit transmission blocking your usage.  All communications are formal and precise.
77-   Distance is huge.  On the 2M band, you can expect to cover 20 miles easy truck to truck.  If you splurge and get the next level of license, you can operate on many, many, many frequencies and talk around the world, so you could easily talk across the state form vehicle to vehicle.  And if atmospheric conditions are good, talk around the world at night around the campfire.
88-   No morse code on the test.
99-   The test fee is $10, so get the study book and get started. 

 If Alan doesn't mind, I am going to get on here and blab about our hunting season.  Between my blog at
and this site, I will be busy all summer.

We will keep you all entertained.



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