Friday, June 27, 2014


Jägermeister is off to college in Beaver UT tonight. Dropping him off for first day of school at 9am tomorrow. He'll be on the shock collar (they call it stimulation) the whole time. Too bad you can't do that on human kids in school! It's going to be a LOT of fun hunting with a dog this year. He's proven to be able to stay close when around big game and has never barked one time. I hope everybody gets at least one Grouse in addition to the Elk up in Ely! These are Blue Grouse (Dusky or Sooty) not Sage Grouse. Remember there are Peafowl up around where I expect to find the Elk so if you see a Peahen, they kinda look like the Grouse, but are a bit bigger. Don't shoot the Peacocks, you won't be able to explain that one mounted in your living room. Google is your friend in figuring out what these birds looks like! Just think GIANT quail.

Updating our supply list, Ryan has a Honda generator so we'll have that for emergencies or additional power and lighting. Jerrycans will be great for the extra fuel we will need. I think Garner has several of them.

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