Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Rolling through the hunting season

Sept - December highlights

Garner and his Coyote. Jager doesn't seem impressed with shooting his cousin. This was up north of Ely during our Grouse hunt in late September. No Grouse of course, just fun and of course the Coyote fur!
Trying to not fall in the river! We thought we could find some Pheasant in this area, all we saw were Beaver and Turkey tracks. This is in the Elgin
Kane Springs camp/hunt

Mid November day hunt with the boys, Hidden Canyon area. 

Pheasant hunt late November, Hurricane UT

Nephews Austin in Tyler

Hard to tell who is on point who is in honor mode, Jager did great with the more experienced dogs owned by our host, Jedd. 

Jager says "HEY it's cold, hurry up with the photo's!" It was 40's and 30mph winds, just like hunting in West Texas!  Nice collection of Pheasants, including exotics, as well as a few chukkar. 

Pheasant in flight, 30 seconds later, in the bag.

Went on a day hunt with Garth, Eric, Kapitan & Jager. Took us a moment, but found that large covey. While rounding them back up, Eric found a half dozen or so bunched up, one shot, 3 quail. Way to go Eric. First Deer one year, then 3 quail the next!
Captain has his eye on the quail! 

This is what happens when you combine overseeding your yard and having bird dogs. LUNCH

Hangin out at Road Kill grill while Katherine processes in her Elk! 

Picking up Kapitan FeldJager up in Beaver 

Garner entertaining Jager with the Banjo just north of Cherry Creek NV

Day one Gambel's Quail with Jager, just south of Mesquite at the exit of what we call "Hidden Canyon"

Back at Hidden Canyon with Tammy an Captain. Note the quail in his mouth!

Captain chomping down on a Quail

Jager pointed it and fetched it, Captain just chews

Evening hunt in late November over by MT Potosi with Captain and Jager

Captain posing with Eric after he took 3 with one shot!
Jager posing on the PowerStop/Rugged Ridge JK on a run over Rocky Gap Road

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