Tuesday, December 29, 2015

November-December hunts

Lots of super fun hunts this season. Not all of them yielded birds, but definitely had a great time every time. 

Guided hunt up in Enterprise Utah was fantastic, took home 20 birds. This was the day after Thankgiving and unfortunately, it was very windy and cold - just like pheasant hunting back in West Texas! 

Jager retrieving a chukar. Nice job!  

First bird of the morning, Jager immediately held a nice point, flushed the Pheasant, got it in the bag right away.

Jager on point

Jager and his new hunting buddies all on point, "honoring" each other the way they should. It was impressive to watch! 

At the end of the day, we had 20 birds in the bag. Jager, Austin, Kevin and I had a great time! (Dad did a great job with the photo's and Tyler took a great nap in the back of the truck)

Day trip up close to Virgin Peak in mid November. Couple of Gambles quail.

Day trip in late November with Garth and Eric. We were hot on the trail of the Gambles quail and Eric, as he crossed back across one of the ravines, walked up on part of the covey. One shot, 3 birds! Great job Eric. Last year he got a deer at 12 years old, this year at 13, his first quail is 3 birds in one shot.

Kapitan saw snow for the first time on this trip up Virgin Peak with Booser and Steve.

 First hunt for Booser and Steve - good times!

Jager and I took quick trip up to Pahranagat. we actually drove up the evening before, slept in the back of the jeep, the rolled out and hunted at first light. Great idea, but will prepare for the cold a bit better next time! It was 9 degrees as the sun was rising. Lake in this photo is frozen over. Was about 30 degrees at noon when we headed back to Las Vegas. Had a couple of opportunities to shoot a duck or two in the water, but decided Jager didn't need to go swim through the ice and reeds on that day.

 After a long hunt on the back side of Mt Potosi, Kapitan decided he was going to drive with Jager calling shotgun. Luckily, I had the keys in my pocket.

Santa brought Kapitan a new Garmin Alpha Dog collar like big brothers, complete with coon hound upgrade so it will glow blue at night.

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