Monday, January 4, 2016

New Years hunt with Tammy and the boys

We celebrated New Years the best way possible - by getting out of Las Vegas! Tammy and I took the boys up to Pahranagat for a couple of nights and hunted Key Pitman, the surrounding BLM land and Middle Marsh of Pahranagat Wildlife Refuge. Very cold and windy as the broken ice blowing up on shore depicts in these photos! Owning up to it ahead of time, YES I did take a dive in the ice cold water to pull Kapitan back in after he fell in. Nothing can prepare you for 32 degree water pouring down your bibs!

Kapitan, Jager and a coot taken from Middle Marsh.

Tammy, Kapitan & Jager at Key Pitman

Key Pitman

Key Pitman frozen over

Kapitan and Duck (Black and White Mallard size, I still need to identify it)

Getting my exercise at Key Pitman

Kapitan testing the 2" thick broken ice, blown up by the wind at Key Pitman
Kapitan tasting the snow up on Mt Irish, which over looks Groom Lake and Area 51
Hunting for Gambles Quail East of Pahranagat

Kapitan gettin busy! 

Dry lake bed North of Kane Springs Road and East of Pahranagat. Water froze and it sounds like thing glass breaking. 

Jager on point, Kapitan learning!

Jager on point
 This is where I shot the coot, Jager paused, didn't jump in after it, Kapitan of course barreled right through on the ice, fell through at the edge before he got to the Coot. He turned to swim back, but couldn't quite lift himself up on the ice (look through the reeds in the photos). Of course when I tried to crawl out on the ice, I fell face first into the water, breaking out plenty of ice for him to swim right back up on shore. Got the coot out though, cooked it in the pressure cooker, removed the bones and fed to the dogs. (Coots don't taste very good)

Jager and Kapitan drinking some of the ice cold water in Middle Marsh after a long couple of hunting days

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